Minggu, 19 April 2015

Biology : Breast Breathing

Breast Breathing

Breathing is an effort to intakes air from outside the body into the lungs ( inspiration ) and discharge the reminde (expiration). Enter and quit of air in lung happens because of the prefence of change of chest cavity volume when breath. One time breathing is one time taking breath ( inspiration ) and one time releasing air ( expiration ).
Inspiration happens when the volume of chest cavity enlarger and pressure inside of it decreases, so it cause that air enters into the lung.
Expiration happens when chest cavity decreases and the pressure inside of it is larger, so it cause air from the lung is blown out.
Respiration can happen voluntery ( according to our will ) or unconsciously ( beyond our will ). Voluntery respiration, for example when we take breath and hold breath. Meanwhile unvoluntery respiration that is done by us when sleep.
Based on its method, respiration is divided into two, those are breast breathing and abdominal breathing.
Breast breathing that is respiration by using ribs and stertum. The mechanism of breast brething are as follows:
1.      Inspiration Phase ( air from outside enters to lung )
When taking breath ( inspiration ), intercostal muscle contracts so the position of ribs is lifted. This cause chest cavity becomes larger and the volume of lung enlarger, but its pressure decreases so the enternal air that is rich of oxygen enters into lung.
2.      Expiration phase ( air in lung is blown out )
When breathing out ( expiration ), muscles between  ribs loose ( relaxation ) and ribs back to the former. This causes chest cavity  becomes smaller and air that is rich of carbon dioxide quits.

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